Why Attend?

There’s a wide variety of state and federal funding available to help finance your infrastructure project and lift up your community, but keeping track of all the programs and weeding through the options can feel overwhelming.

Attend our Free Funding Fairs to:

  • Find out what state and federal infrastructure grant, loan, and bond financing programs are available to you.
  • Receive copies of each department and agency’s slide presentation and additional helpful infrastructure financing material.
  • Speak directly with state and federal program staff about your specific project and issues affecting your community.

Get a sneak preview of the programs you’ll hear about in our 2024 Funding Fairs Handbook.

View Slide Presentations from Recent Funding Fairs

Click on a thumbnail to open a PDF

Native Americans

U.S. Bureau of Reclamation


California Department of Water Resources

Funding Fair IBank

California Infrastructure and Economic Development Bank (IBank)


Rural Community Assistance Corporation (RCAC)

California State Water Resources Control Board

California State Water Resources Control Board


Strategic Growth Council


U.S. Department of Agriculture – Rural Development

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

State Lib CFCC

California State Library


U.S. Department of Agriculture – Rural Development: Community Facilities Programs


California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services


Governor’s Office of Planning and Research

For questions on information presented at the virtual Funding Fairs, please reach out to the contacts below.

  • Department of Water Resources — Gabriel Edwards, email Gabriel, and Jon Nguyen, email Jon
    • Department of Water Resources funding inquiries, email DWR
  • California Infrastructure and Economic Development Bank (IBank) — Lina Moeller,  email Lina, (916) 341-6630
  • California Strategic Growth Council — Jessica Lopez, email Jessica
  • California Fire Safe Council — Elizabeth LaMar, Lead Regional Coordinator, email Elizabeth, (559) 288-2603 ext, 5834
  • State Water Resources Control Board — Ibyang Rivera, email Ibyang, (916) 341-5540
  • California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services (CalOES) — Hazard Mitigation Assistance, email CalOES.
  • Rural Community Assistance Corporation (RCAC) — Kimberly Bennett, Rural Development Specialist, email Kimberly (916) 508-3031 (Cell) (916) 447-9832 (Office)
  • U.S. Bureau of Reclamation — David T. White, email David, (916) 978-5208
  • U.S. Economic Development Administration —  Malinda Matson, email Malinda, (916) 235-0088

CFCC Members Agencies

Water Boards
USBR logo
water logo
HCD logo
USDA logo
IBank logo